Friday, 6 May 2016

writing reflecinon

                                                              writing reflection 

I have been learning about personification. 
Personification is when you give a non living thing a human quality. We use personification so we can give the reader a better picture in their mind. For example: The sun crawled through the clouds.

about me 2016

My name is Quinn and I  am 9. My teacher is Mrs Hobbs and my passion is skate boarding.  I can do a grab three sixty 50-50 grind and lots of other tricks. I also like to Mountain bike, and the best Mountain bike track I've biked is Rotorua. I surf to and the biggest wave I`ve ever caught is 6 foot my size wave for me. The second wave I caught after that I got smashed, I got held under for about 24 seconds but I was I okay. the surf break was called Kiritehere, it is left hand wave.      

math refletion

math reflection
In math I have been learning about rounding to the nearest 10,100,1000 & friends to 10,20,100.
I  need to know this so I can count money and get a good job.
This is how you do, round 6853 to 7000, freind to 10 6 4

swimming sports

swimming sports
I was waiting quietly for my first  race one length freestyle my legs where wobbly like jelly, I lined up then my number was chosen. The whistle blew my legs sprang like springs into the freezing water. My arms span round as fast as I could, my feet were kicking as fast as a motor on the end of a boat, smash! I hit my hand on the wall, I got a bright blue block then I put it on the table feel proud.    Displaying IMG_1827.JPGDisplaying IMG_1830.JPG