Thursday, 6 July 2017


On Thursday 25th of may,room 10 went to the zoo.We got to feed a giraffe and a chimpanzee. I learnt about endangered animals and what there habitat is. There was a gross part because a chimpanzee pooed in its hand and ate it. There were this 2 black buck things that started fighting it was cool. We learnt a lot about our native birds,There Where kakapo kea and heaps more.  

book talk

๐Ÿ“˜Book talk๐Ÿ“™
in the book rat burgers a girl named Zoe here dad lost his job in a factory. Zoe's mother died when she was a baby her  dad  met a lady she horrid. she wasted all the many they had and these gross chips. when Zoe got a pet it was a hamster she had a dream to be a really god animal trainer she tort her hamster to break-dance. but her step mother killed the hamster with Poussin.  it tort me to be grateful that i have a house and food and all of those things.    

proud moments.

proud moments term 2  2017
1. I'm proud of ngahinapouri sevens be cause my team bet all the other teams and I'm proud of making the team.
2. I'm proud of gymnastics because I came 4th out of 23 kids.
3. I'm proud of my speech because I made the next level and versing the best year 6 boys speech's.
4. I'm proud of my spelling because i'm moving up every week.
5. I'm proud of moving up 6 months in reading and math.
6. I'm proud of my music that I'm performing in front of the school.

Friday, 30 June 2017

speech 2017

Speech 2017 reflection
my speech was about child abuse and how we should do more to stop it. I hated how I delivered my speech I didn't look up to much I didn't make I contact I lost my place heaps of times and mist out important words. What I did well was how I wrote my speech. What surprised me was that I didn't speak up and I mumbled a bit. 

Friday, 12 May 2017

habitat change

 Climate change change killing to many animals like when people litter it end up in the ocean and then kills things. We have been cutting down trees for money and paper, trees make air that we breath. The amazon desert was once called the amazon rain forest. 

Thursday, 23 March 2017


Reuben turnbull
Reuben nice and listens to what the teachers saying. He gets his work done. He shows integrity and is always on task. He is a role model 

moutain biking

Mountain biking
I started biking up to the extra track that the good moutain bikers did. I finally made it to the track. I pasted Luke and Josh on the track. I was in front going fast I berley used my brakes. I was doing well until I went down this little bank thing then there log in front of me,I was supposed to turn but I didn't my front tire hit the log. I launched of my bike I went sailing through the air. when I got back up from my fall my chain fell of, I couldn't put it back on Luke pasted me. I was okay for the rest of the track because it was mainly down hill. when I finished the track I was dirty from my fall. I grased my knee a bit. I got my chain back on and I was fine.๐Ÿ˜   

my goals for 2017

My goals for 2017 
My goal in reading is to learn how to chose the best fit book. I am pretty good reader I'm in group 2. I like to read David Williams books.
my goal in writing is to use juicer words in my stores.When its quieter its easier to write. 

pirongia got talent

pirongias got talent
It felt like I had a thousand butterfly in my stomach,I was about to do a dance in front of heaps of people. I was in my starting persishion the music started playing and I started dancing. 

I was the shortest in my row that meant I was at the front. I felt so in barest. Finally I did a move that made me at the back. It music I was in my finishing pose. It was other I felt better. 

I felt proud. I hope I never have to do that again. I'm surprised I finished the dance with out messing up.       

swimming sports

swimming sports
I waited in line my was filled with butter fly in my stomach.My race was up I was in my persecution to dive. the clappers went I dived into the freezing water. I swam as hard as I could I smacked my hand on the wall. I was handed A bright red block.   

Friday, 17 February 2017

my reading book

Gangsta granny
Ben is twelve years old.Ben had to stay at his granny's every Friday night. he hated staying at his granny's he complained to his parents. Ben's granny heard the commiseration so she pretended to be a gangster. Ben believed his granny that she was a gangsta.they had a plan to steal the Queens crown jewels. They where seen, but they got let off. Ben's granny died on Christmas Eve.